Posted on October 3, 2015 by iremnaz on Experience, Travel

Rural Studio Experience

Rural Studio is an off-campus design-build program of Auburn University. The program, established in 1993 by D.K. Ruth and Samuel Mockbee, gives architecture students a more hands-on educational experience while assisting an undeserved population in West Alabama’s Black Belt region. In its initial years, the Studio became known for establishing an ethos of recycling, reusing and remaking. The Rural Studio philosophy suggests that everyone, both rich and poor, deserves the benefit of good design. To fulfill this ethic, the Studio has evolved towards more community-oriented projects. (source: Rural Studio)

Posted on July 31, 2014 by iremnaz on Experience, Workshop

POSIAC | Perceptions of Space | Adhocratic Spaces

Adhocratic Spaces can be understood as flexible, adaptable, and informal organizational spatial structures without bureaucratic policies or procedures. In this manner allowing pervasive interiors is to allow for a particular mode of thinking, an adhocratic mode. The significance is that any addition would have to be constrained by a complex relation between adaptive and constant demanded by the pervasive logic. Moreover, it would have to fulfill the role of pervasiveness in interior architecture and that is to allow both for paradigmatic and functional significance. As with any thoughtful process that occurs in design it cannot be disassociated from formal possibilities. The strain is how to reason through adhocratic structures, or how to understand boundary conditions, as boundaries are increasingly digital and immaterial. (source : Adhocratic Spaces)